今天的答唱詠是《達尼爾先知書》3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 不斷重複同一句話,上主是可讚美的,應極受稱讚,極受頌揚,備受光榮,直到永遠!我才突然記起達尼爾「也」是一名先知。
事情是這樣的,我於十天前進行了一個類似心理測驗的遊戲 What is God's gift in you? (天主賜予你甚麼禮物),得到的結果是 prophet (先知),我的直接反應是不可信,原因是我在選答其中一題有關最喜愛的聖經人物時,我肯定沒有選厄里亞先知和保祿,最後的掙扎是瑪利亞瑪達肋納與達尼爾,我最終可能揀選了達尼爾吧!參與這遊戲的另外五位朋友,有兩位是Worshipper,兩位是Healer,另一位是 Prayer Warrior…
耶穌是用比喻對我們講話嗎?因為要我們看,「卻看不見;聽,卻聽不見,也不了解。」 (瑪13:13)
What is God's gift in you? Your destiny is a prophet. A prophecy can come as a dream, by painstaking writing, as an inner impression, a visualization, or vision, even take off from an earlier passage of Scripture. The prophet gives the message a literary or oratory shape, but the prophet doesn't create the message itself. That comes from the One who spoke through the prophets ... ask God it might be you !