《讀經一》是有關喜年的描述,「祝聖第五十年…為你們是一喜年」 (肋25:10)。以色列民在六年之內可耕種,土地在第七年應完全休息,這是上主的安息年。在滿七個安息年的時期(七乘七年 = 四十九年)之後的一年,即第五十年是喜年 (聖年)。上主在西乃山訓示梅瑟說:「在這喜年內,人各歸其祖業」 (肋25:13)。
上載的相片是我在上一個喜年 (2000年10月4 日) 剛跨越聖若望大殿的聖門後拍攝的,留影後我曾細閱身旁的海報 (原文見下,今天再看依然觸動),之後我轉身背向聖門,即發現教堂門外豎立了一尊很大的「耶穌像」… 在五十年一遇的聖年,「人各歸其祖業」,我在無意中經歷過了,無論是虛幻或是真實,我無法知曉,但肯定的是祂改變了我。
To pass through the Holy Door
The Pope in his letter in view of the Jubilee Year writes: There is only one access that opens wide the entry into the life of communion with God. This access is Jesus, unique and absolutely way of salvation. The indication of the door recalls the responsibility of every believer to cross the threshold. To pass through that door means to confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, reinvigorating our faith in Him to live the new life that He has given us. It is a decision that supposes freedom to choose and courage to leave something, knowing that divine life is acquired. Through the Holy Door, symbolically very significant at the end of a millennium, Christ will insert us more deeply in the Church, which is his Body and his Bride.